HINDI - Intermediate Hindi

MWF 12-12:59P
Sirasao, Pranjali

Students may not take language courses at a lower level than they have been assessed at, nor than the level of other courses in the same language that they have successfully completed previously.

Prerequisites: 1A-1B or instructor's consent

Intermediate language course will focus on expanding all language skills (reading, writing, speaking), mastering grammar patterns and new vocabulary through authentic readings from classical and contemporary Hindi literature, epics, mythology and current events. This course acquaints students with representative readings from Hindi texts on pivotal cultural issues from a wide variety of sources, to enable them to acquire cultural competence in the language. Systematic training in advanced grammar and syntax, reinforced by exercises in composition, both oral and written will be integral part of the course. Special attention is given towards developing communication skills through audio/video, digital media and current events. Second year sequence requires completion of the first year course or consent of the instructor.

Discussion Sections

Section Day/Time Room Instructor Class #
101 DIS W 1-:59P DWIN250 Sirasao, Pranjali 44502


Fall 2017